Ready for a packed November? No matter how much or how little you want to be involved Aberystwyth University Labour Students has something for everyone (even the Tories...)
November 1st
Skyfall Social
Want to see the Best Bond yet? Come along to the Commodore Cinema at 7.00pm on Thursday 1st November with the rest of the AULS gang and make up your own mind! Strap in for an evening full of thrills, spills and great acting (and that's just in the audience). Advanced booking is recommended.
US Election Special!
Ready to watch the fate of the free world be decided? Will Obama hold on to the Presidency? Will Romney become the 45th President? Will Jill Stein stun the world and become the Green's first U.S President? Join AULS for this special event being laid on at the Union between 12am and 12 pm where the Bar will be open ALL NIGHT if the tension gets too much! Last chance for four years!
Monday 12th November
Question Time
Polling Day
Chance to show the Yanks how its done! With elections in Cardiff, Corby and our very own backyard, this is a great chance for everyone to get involved! Great opportunity to make a difference, gain some communication skills and most importantly have a really good laugh!
Saturday 17th November
Hopefully having beaten them at the ballot box this is a chance for us to show the other parties (and Aber Student Media) how to play football as well! Come along to the Astroturf for a football tournament with a twist! Whether your the next Ronaldo or just want to lend moral support from the sidelines grab your shirt and lets show the other parties what AULS is made of!
Friday 30th November
Meet one of Labour's up and comings AMs! For one lunch only, Mr Vaughan Gething AM and former AULS Chair will be visiting Aberystwyth and will be doing a Q&A session afterwards! Great chance to find out about the Welsh Assembly, what it's like working there and what working as a full time politician is really like!